- One in ten pet owners keep fish.
- Shrimps' hearts are in their heads.
- The most common name for a Goldfish is Jaws.
- Climbing Perch can 'walk' on dry land and even climb trees.
- Prize winning Koi have sold for tens of thousands of dollars - for a single fish.
- Discus feed their babies on mucus they excrete from their bodies.
- Female Guppies can have up to five litters of babies from mating only one time.
- Tennessee's 130,000 square foot public freshwater aquarium is the largest in the world.
- The finest Caviar comes from a freshwater fish - the Beluga Sturgeon.
- Babies of the carnivorous Arowana live in their father's mouth until they are big enough be on their own.
- The bright stripe on Cardinal Tetras makes it hard for predators to single out one fish in the school.
- Well cared for Goldfish can live for 70 years.
- The smallest fish is 1/3 inch long Freshwater Goby.
- Scientists use ear growth rings to determine a fish's age.
- Climbing Perch can 'walk' on dry land and even climb trees.
- Most freshwater Eels migrate to saltwater to spawn.
- Sturgeons live in saltwater but migrate to freshwater to spawn.
- Lobsters and Crayfish eat their own shell after molting.
- Only 1 in 100 Salmon eggs will survive it to adulthood.
- Goldfish lose their color if kept in dim light.
- A 400 million year old prehistoric fish species once thought extinct is still living today.
- Fish sleep with their eyes open.
- Flapping their fins, Hachetfish can fly out of the water for several feet.
- In 1984, live fish fell on a London neighborhood after being sucked up in a waterspout.
- In 1999 a Heron dropped a live Goldfish down the chimney of a London family.
- Goldfish have a memory for just 3 seconds.It may be applied to almost all fish!!!
Any other facts to shares?? You're mostly welcomed. Well...That's all for now. Till we meet again...Please take a good care of your fish.
Thanks and bye for now...
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